Our Top Five Most Read Stories of 2021

The launch of AllianceRx Walgreens Pharmacy’s corporate blog in early 2021 gave us a platform to discuss topics of importance to the specialty pharmacy industry. Since then, we provided insights from our leaders, discussed research we led, reported on trends in the industry and much more.


What we’ve learned is that you, our readers, are interested in what we are doing around gene and cell therapies; how we’re addressing the high cost of specialty medications; how we’re innovating to meet our patients’ needs; and how we’re poised for the future. And, in keeping with our core tenet of putting the patient at the center of everything we do, it’s no surprise our most read story of 2021 was that of a woman with rheumatoid arthritis, who shared her insights of navigating the healthcare system – and life – with a chronic condition.


Here is a look at our blog stories you read most during 2021.


5. The Cost to Cure Genetic Disorders

Advances in the gene and cell therapy markets opened doors to alleviate suffering caused by genetic disorders. The potential for treatment – or even a cure – of so many disease states with little or no current therapy options elicits hope for patients living with these conditions. However, barriers to accessing gene and cell therapies are focused on pricing, reimbursement and manufacturing. Tracey James, RPh, senior vice president of pharmacy services explains how specialty pharmacies play a critical role in the distribution and cost containment of these cutting-edge products.

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4. Asembia 2021: The Future of Specialty Pharmacy Care

At Asembia’s Specialty Pharmacy Summit last October, Clayton Edwards, RPh, our chief operating officer, and Jim Adams, chief information officer, shares the importance of surround sound care – how innovative solutions mean an optimal specialty patient experience. In short, they conveyed customized clinical programs and digital notifications are changing the landscape of specialty pharmacy.

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3. Built for the Future of Pharmacy

Reflecting on insights shared across a dozen presentations and Q&A sessions at Walgreens’ first-ever Biopharma Virtual Summit, Chief Executive Officer Joel Wright, RPh, shares observations he found particularly important as our industry charts the path toward the future of pharmacy. Among his observations – the importance of meeting patients where they are; addressing social determinants of health that may hinder a patient’s successful therapy; minimizing financial barriers for adherence and accessibility; and investing in gene and cell therapies.

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2. The Importance of Innovation in Specialty Pharmacy

Stacy Ward-Charlerie, PharmD, MBA, director of product development, says innovation is essential for specialty pharmacies to avoid becoming obsolete. Patients face a variety of barriers to receiving their medications and adhering to treatment regimens. Cost pressures on these medications challenge traditional business and payment models and put pressure on the health care system. New technology, big data and an increased willingness to share and integrate information offer the possibility of reimagining how health care is delivered. She feels the opportunities to innovate are abundant – and shares some of AllianceRx Walgreens Pharmacy’s innovations.

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1. Putting a Face to the Disease: Interview with a Rheumatoid Arthritis Patient

Renee Baiano, PharmD, CSP, clinical program manager, spoke with Shilpa Venkatachalam about her journey with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), including how she felt when she was diagnosed, what it’s like living with RA, the role of the specialty pharmacy and more.

Read the story.

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